Guests at Live Oak Springs have enjoyed bird watching for many years! We now have a bird list, compiled by Phil Pryde of the San Diego Audubon Society, on November 13 and 14, 2011. He will return in the spring and expects to spot another 20 species to add to the census. The pictures below are samples of some of the birds spotted at Live Oak Springs.
Acorn Woodpecker
Brown-headed Cowbird
Eurasian Collared Dove
Lesser Goldfinch
Mountain Chickadee
Northern Mockingbird
Red-naped Sapsucker
Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-winged Blackbird
Song Sparrow
Western Scrub-jay
White-winged Dove
Live Oak Springs Bird List
Compiler: Phil Pryde
Nov. 13-14, 2011
Red-tailed Hawk (several)
Red-shouldered Hawk (1)
Eurasian Collared Dove (30-40 in area)
Mourning Dove (around 6)
White-winged Dove (1 certain, maybe a second)
Great Horned Owl (2 calling)
Anna’s Hummingbird (2)
Acorn Woodpecker (20-30)
Nuttall’s Woodpecker (1)
Red-naped Sapsucker (1)
Northern Flicker (1 heard)
Black Phoebe (2)
Western Scrub-jay (10-15)
American Crow (10-15)
Common Raven (5-8; more over the hills
Mountain Chickadee (5-8)
Oak titmouse (5)
White-breasted Nuthatch (3)
Bewick’s Wren (4)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (2)
Northern Mockingbird (1)
California Thrasher (4)
European Starling (flock of about 40-50)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (about 6)
Spotted Towhee (3)
Chipping Sparrow (1)
Lark Sparrow (flock of around 10)
Sage Sparrow (1)
Song Sparrow (1)
Lincoln’s Sparrow (6-8)
White-crowned Sparrow (30-40)
Dark-eyed Junco (around 10)
Brown-headed Cowbird (at least 1)
Red-winged Blackbird (15-20)
Brewer’s Blackbird (15-20)
House Finch (6-8)
Lesser Goldfinch (6-8)
House Sparrow (1)